Can I add products to my next order with an existing subscription?
Yes! To do so, please visit the ‘Subscriptions’ section within the My Account section, pick the subscription you want to add products to and click the ‘Shop Now For More Products’ button. Visit the product’s page you wish to add to your order and select the option to ‘add to your next delivery’, the shipment date will be noted. You will have the option to add the product once or as a new subscription, please select a frequency. If you would like your existing subscription and new subscription to be shipped together on subsequent orders, select the same frequency. To check the frequency of an existing subscription, visit the ‘Subscriptions’ section within the My Account section, the frequency will appear next to the subscription product.
Changes to your order must be made at least 3 days prior to your next shipment. If it is less than 3 days to your next shipment, your changes will not be made until your next order.