Do you charge sales tax?
The amount of tax charged on your order will depend on the item purchased and the destination of the shipment. Certain items may be exempt from sales tax, depending on state and local laws. The sales tax actually charged will be calculated and will reflect applicable state and local taxes after you have entered your shipping address, selected the shipping method, and continue to payment. If an item is subject to sales tax in the state to which the order is shipped, tax is generally calculated on the total selling price of each individual item, which can include shipping and handling fees.
We will attempt to collect applicable taxes where we’ve determined we have a duty to. We are not required to, and do not, collect taxes in all states. You may have a duty to directly report and pay taxes if we do not collect such taxes. It’s understood that you are ultimately responsible for any use, ad valorem, and other applicable taxes and fees related to your purchase.